How can OCaml dune test program find test input files?
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How can OCaml dune test program find test input files?

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Getting Started with OCaml and Dune Testing

Are you tired of writing OCaml programs without proper testing? Do you want to ensure your code is robust and reliable? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore how to use Dune, a build system for OCaml, to write tests for your OCaml programs. Specifically, we’ll dive into how Dune can find test input files, making your testing experience a breeze.

What is Dune?

Dune is a build system for OCaml, a statically typed, multi-paradigm programming language. It provides a simple and efficient way to organize and build OCaml projects. With Dune, you can define dependencies, compile code, and run tests with ease.

Why Use Dune for Testing?

  • Simplified Testing**: Dune provides a straightforward way to write and run tests for your OCaml programs.
  • Efficient Build Process**: Dune’s incremental build system ensures that only the necessary files are rebuilt, saving you time and resources.
  • Flexibility**: Dune supports a wide range of testing frameworks and libraries, giving you the freedom to choose the tools that best fit your needs.

Setting Up Your Test Environment

To get started with Dune testing, you’ll need to create a new directory for your project and add the following files:

 mkdir my_project
 cd my_project

Create a new file called dune with the following contents:

 (name my_program)
 (libraries unix)
 (preprocess (pps ppx_deriving.yaml)))

 (name my_test)
 (modules my_test)
 (libraries my_program unix))

This dune file defines an executable named my_program and a test named my_test that depends on my_program.

Writing Your First Test

Create a new file called with the following contents:

let () =
  let input_file = "input.txt" in
  let output_file = "output.txt" in
  (* Read input from file *)
  let input = In_channel.read_all input_file in
  (* Process input *)
  let output = String.uppercase_ascii input in
  (* Write output to file *)
  Out_channel.write_all output_file output;
  (* Assert output is correct *)
  Alcotest.check string "EXPECTED_OUTPUT" output

This test reads input from a file named input.txt, processes it, writes the output to a file named output.txt, and asserts that the output is correct using Alcotest.

How Dune Finds Test Input Files

So, how does Dune find the input.txt file used in the test? By default, Dune looks for files in the following directories:

  1. The current working directory (i.e., the directory where you run dune test)
  2. The _build directory (i.e., the directory where Dune builds your project)
  3. The test directory (i.e., the directory where your test files are located)

You can also specify additional directories for Dune to search by adding the following line to your dune file:

  (name my_test)
  (modules my_test)
  (libraries my_program unix)
  (data_dir my_test_data))

In this example, Dune will also search for files in the my_test_data directory.

Organizing Your Test Input Files

To keep your test input files organized, you can create a directory structure like this:


In this example, the test_data directory contains the input files for your tests, and the _output directory contains the expected output files.

Running Your Tests

To run your tests, simply execute the following command:

dune test

Dune will compile your code, run your tests, and report any errors or failures.


In this article, we’ve explored how to use Dune to write tests for your OCaml programs and how Dune finds test input files. By following these steps, you can ensure your code is robust, reliable, and thoroughly tested.


How do I specify multiple directories for Dune to search? You can specify multiple directories by separating them with commas, e.g., (data_dir my_test_data,my_other_test_data).
Can I use relative paths for my test input files? Yes, you can use relative paths for your test input files, but make sure to specify the correct directory in your dune file.
How do I troubleshoot issues with Dune not finding my test input files? Check your dune file for typos, ensure your directory structure is correct, and verify that your test input files are in the correct location.

Further Reading

I hope this article has helped you get started with testing your OCaml programs using Dune. Happy testing!

Frequently Asked Question

Hey there, OCaml enthusiasts! Are you stuck on figuring out how to make your Dune test program find those pesky test input files?

Q1: Where should I put my test input files?

Ah, great question! You should place your test input files in the same directory as your test file or in a subdirectory of your test file. This way, Dune can easily find them when running your tests.

Q2: How do I tell Dune to look for my test input files?

Easy peasy! You need to specify the `data` field in your `dune` file. For example, you can add `(data ./testdata)` to tell Dune to look for test input files in the `testdata` directory.

Q3: Can I use a custom directory for my test input files?

Absolutely! You can specify a custom directory for your test input files by using the `data` field with a path. For instance, `(data ./my-custom-test-data)` will tell Dune to look for test input files in the `my-custom-test-data` directory.

Q4: How do I access my test input files from my test code?

Nice one! You can access your test input files using the `Filename` module in OCaml. For example, `let input_file = “testdata/input.txt”` will allow you to read from the `input.txt` file in your test data directory.

Q5: What if I have a lot of test input files and I don’t want to hardcode their paths?

Great question! You can use the `Unix` module in OCaml to read the contents of a directory and dynamically access your test input files. For example, `let files = Array.of_list (Unix.readdir “testdata”)` will give you an array of file names in the `testdata` directory.

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