Different Error Codes (23503 vs 23502) when Deleting a Row in PostgreSQL using Asyncpg: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Romualdo - hkhazo.biz.id

Different Error Codes (23503 vs 23502) when Deleting a Row in PostgreSQL using Asyncpg: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of encountering frustrating error codes when deleting rows in PostgreSQL using asyncpg? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of error codes 23503 and 23502, exploring their differences, causes, and solutions. By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to tackle these errors head-on and ensure seamless data management.

What are Error Codes 23503 and 23502?

Error codes 23503 and 23502 are two common errors that occur when attempting to delete a row in PostgreSQL using asyncpg. These errors are related to foreign key constraints, which are essential for maintaining data integrity in your database.

Error Code 23503: Violating Foreign Key Constraints

Error code 23503 is triggered when you try to delete a row that is referenced by a foreign key constraint in another table. This means that the row you’re attempting to delete is still being used by another table, and deleting it would compromise the integrity of your data.

async with asyncpg.create_pool('postgresql://user:password@host:port/dbname') as pool:
    async with pool.acquire() as conn:
        await conn.execute('DELETE FROM parent_table WHERE id = 1')

Suppose you have two tables, `parent_table` and `child_table`, with a foreign key constraint between them. The `child_table` references the `id` column in the `parent_table`. If you try to delete a row from `parent_table` that is still referenced by `child_table`, you’ll encounter error code 23503.

Error Code 23502: Null Value in Column Violates Not-Null Constraint

Error code 23502 occurs when you attempt to delete a row that would result in a null value in a column that has a not-null constraint. This means that the column in question requires a value, and deleting the row would leave it empty.

async with asyncpg.create_pool('postgresql://user:password@host:port/dbname') as pool:
    async with pool.acquire() as conn:
        await conn.execute('DELETE FROM table_name WHERE id = 1')

For example, suppose you have a table `table_name` with a column `column_name` that has a not-null constraint. If you try to delete a row from `table_name` that would result in a null value in `column_name`, you’ll encounter error code 23502.

Causes of Error Codes 23503 and 23502

Now that we’ve explored the definitions and examples of error codes 23503 and 23502, let’s dive into the common causes of these errors.

Causes of Error Code 23503:

  • Orphaned rows in child tables: When you delete a row from a parent table, the corresponding rows in the child tables are not deleted, resulting in orphaned rows.
  • Foreign key constraints not defined correctly: If the foreign key constraints are not defined correctly, it can lead to error code 23503.
  • Data inconsistencies: Data inconsistencies, such as having duplicate values in the parent table, can also cause error code 23503.

Causes of Error Code 23502:

  • If the not-null constraints are not defined correctly, it can lead to error code 23502.
  • Data inconsistencies: Data inconsistencies, such as having null values in columns with not-null constraints, can also cause error code 23502.
  • Schema changes not applied correctly: When you make changes to the schema, such as adding or dropping columns, it can cause error code 23502 if not applied correctly.

Solutions to Error Codes 23503 and 23502

Now that we’ve covered the causes of error codes 23503 and 23502, let’s explore the solutions to these errors.

Solutions to Error Code 23503:

  1. Delete orphaned rows in child tables: Before deleting a row from the parent table, delete the corresponding rows in the child tables to avoid orphaned rows.
  2. Define foreign key constraints correctly: Ensure that foreign key constraints are defined correctly to prevent data inconsistencies.
  3. Use transactions: Use transactions to ensure that either all changes are committed or none are, maintaining data integrity.

Solutions to Error Code 23502:

  1. Define not-null constraints correctly: Ensure that not-null constraints are defined correctly to prevent null values in columns.
  2. Use default values: Use default values for columns with not-null constraints to prevent null values.
  3. Use conditional statements: Use conditional statements, such as IF statements, to check for null values before deleting rows.

Best Practices for Avoiding Error Codes 23503 and 23502

By following best practices, you can avoid encountering error codes 23503 and 23502 altogether.

  • Use consistent naming conventions: Use consistent naming conventions for tables, columns, and constraints to avoid confusion.
  • Use meaningful constraint names: Use meaningful names for constraints to make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues.
  • Regularly back up your database: Regularly back up your database to ensure that you can recover in case of data loss or corruption.
  • Use version control: Use version control systems, such as Git, to track changes to your database schema.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the differences between error codes 23503 and 23502, their causes, and solutions. By understanding these errors and following best practices, you can ensure seamless data management and avoid frustrating errors when deleting rows in PostgreSQL using asyncpg. Remember, a well-designed database is key to maintaining data integrity and preventing errors.

Error Code Description Cause Solution
23503 Violating foreign key constraints Orphaned rows in child tables, foreign key constraints not defined correctly, data inconsistencies Delete orphaned rows in child tables, define foreign key constraints correctly, use transactions
23502 Null value in column violates not-null constraint Not-null constraints not defined correctly, data inconsistencies, schema changes not applied correctly Define not-null constraints correctly, use default values, use conditional statements

By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a PostgreSQL pro and avoiding error codes 23503 and 23502.

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about error codes 23503 and 23502 when deleting a row in PostgreSQL using asyncpg!

What is the difference between error codes 23503 and 23502 in PostgreSQL?

Error code 23503 is thrown when a delete operation violates a foreign key constraint, whereas error code 23502 is thrown when a delete operation violates a unique constraint or a primary key constraint. In other words, 23503 is related to relationships between tables, while 23502 is related to the uniqueness of values within a table.

Why do I get error code 23503 when trying to delete a row in PostgreSQL using asyncpg?

You get error code 23503 because there is a dependent row in another table that references the row you’re trying to delete. This means that you need to delete or update the dependent row first before deleting the original row. Check your database schema and identify the foreign key constraints that are causing the issue.

Can I customize the error message for error codes 23503 and 23502 in asyncpg?

Yes, you can customize the error message for error codes 23503 and 23502 in asyncpg by creating a custom error handler. You can define a function that catches the error and returns a custom error message or takes alternative actions based on your application’s requirements.

How can I prevent error codes 23503 and 23502 from occurring when deleting a row in PostgreSQL using asyncpg?

To prevent error codes 23503 and 23502, make sure to delete dependent rows before deleting the original row. You can also use triggers or stored procedures to enforce data integrity and automatically delete dependent rows. Additionally, consider using transactions to roll back changes if an error occurs during the delete operation.

What is the impact of error codes 23503 and 23502 on my application’s performance?

Error codes 23503 and 23502 can impact your application’s performance by causing transactions to roll back, which can lead to increased latency and decreased throughput. Additionally, frequent errors can cause connection pooling issues and increased memory usage. To mitigate this, implement robust error handling and data integrity checks to prevent these errors from occurring in the first place.